Made-a-move #24 – Being a catalyst for change with a positive mindset
My sons love Legos. I amazes me that with the quantity they have they are continually looking to buy more sets. Few things can bring excitement to their eyes like their grandmother landing a great deal on masses of Legos from a rummage sale.
So, when LegoFest came to our area the same week as DS #1′s Birthday, buying tickets was pretty much a necessity (though I did try to keep it a surprise until he saw the tickets hanging in my bedroom – carefully placed so I wouldn’t forget where I put them). As the tickets were pricey, I only purchased enough for 1 adult and 2 kids. Being Father’s Day, I figured it was best making it a father-son outing. So, my move for this week was sending my husband out with healthy food for the road and healthy advice – to set aside all of the the things that weigh on his mind continuously and, instead, focus on having fun with his sons on Father’s Day.
He took my advice and did. His reflection on the experience is dominated by the extreme happiness and smiles he observed on his sons’ faces.
From seeing incredible displays… to getting up close to incredible Lego structures… to tromping through calf-high piled Legos… to building and racing vehicles down a ramp… to observing a Lego bridge endurance test… to building Wisconsin-themed creations (beer mug and bowling lane) to include in a floor “map” of the United States… to purchasing Lego sets at a great price (with their own $!), they had a great time. Together!
My DH was sure to have a picture to show that he took my advice to heart:
Being Father’s Day, I did my part of the day back home – I made home-made pizza to have ready for their return and I told our 4 y/o DS it was Father’s Day – to which news he promptly made gifts for his “Abba” – complete with lots of hearts.
Small actions on my part were a catalyst for such wonderful positive experiences for my family! The results were topped off by the special hug I got from DS #1 before he went to bed.
How beautiful the flowers grow with a gentle wind to blow away the clouds and let the sun shine through!