Made-a-move #33: Self-care
A couple weeks ago I mentioned reoccurring advice from experts in personal coaching and success that mutually recommend journaling. Two other big messages these various experts repeatedly give are the importance of Reading and Self Care.
As for the Reading, I found pieces of myself in two poems in the book, Half Hours with the Best Poets. From Robert Frost (1874 – 1963), The Road Not Taken. I, too, in so many ways take the “one less traveled by” – it has it’s difficulties, but I think the “difference” that results from it is worth the effort. Or, at least, I hope so since this is just how I do things. I stumble through life foraging my own path – somewhere between the lifestyles that look so normal and smooth paths of the people around me.
The second poem describes the habits and direction I was falling into that I am determined to make moves to turn around: Abel Melveny, by Edger Lee Masters (1868 – 1950). Though for me, rather than equipment left in the rain to gather rust, it has been crafting supplies, past interests, and business ideas and starts that accumulate inside and gather dust.
Self Care. As my lack in attending to my self is well known by my family, they (my DH and DD’s) conspired together and got me to go for a make-up make-over (under the pretense that I was taking my daughter there for her to have the fun of the make-up appointment before the start of school). Completely oblivious to their scheme, I didn’t find out until after the make up artist motioned that I should take a seat. –
Good thing I was sitting down when she told me! Part of the deal was that I had to purchase make up too… I guess if I divide the cost by the nearly 20 years it has been since I last bought make up beyond a cheap eye pencil and a discounted tube of lipstick…
As one good move leads to another… next step was giving a ‘face-lift’ to the area around me – or at least putting in a very good start…
Keep Moving. Keep Growing. Wishing you much success and joy in your journeys in this year and beyond.
- DebBee